
Ho presentato questo intervento nella sala di „Státní akty – Atti Statali“ del Parlamento della Repubblica Ceca, nell’ambito di un forum di discussione sull’argomento „Dobbiamo temere l‘Islam“, organizzato dal deputato PhDr. Zdeněk Soukup, sotto il patroc

Klára Samková na konferenci Máme se bát islámu?

Cari presenti,

ringrazio per l’invito e per la possibilità di presentarmi qui. L’incontro di oggi dovrebbe aiutarci a rispondere alla domanda se dovremmo temere l’islam. A questa domanda do una risposta diretta: decisamente non dovremmo temere l’islam. Dovremmo trattarlo allo stesso modo come la civiltà europea, finora con successo, ha trattato tutti i regimi totalitari e disumani e con cui doveva combattere durante la sua storia, lunga più di duemila anni. Cioè contro l’islam combattere, vincere e una volta per tutte evitare la sua diffusione e come dalle altre ideologie mostruose precedenti, l‘islam stesso dichiarare come criminale, in contraddizione con la natura umana, libertà e soprattutto con la dignità umana.

Speech given by Klára Samková on August 25th 2016, by occasion of visit Mrs. Angela Merkel in Czech Republic

protest against Angela Merkel

My esteemed friends,

Today’s action was called in order to express our disagreement with politics of Mrs. Merkel, currently a German Chancellor. This female politician is visiting Prague for purpose of negotiations of rather vague content, whose details our media to this day did not care to mention or brought up often contrary news.

Brigitte Gabriel: A brief history of Islam

In this video Brigitte Gabriel tried to explain how Islam treated non-Muslims (Christians and Jews) from its beginning and what are the consequences we can see nowadays.

Support for the 2nd Annual Censored Women's Film Festival

Censored Women's Film Festival 2016

Klára Samková, a Czech lawyer, human rights activist & leader of the newly-founded initiative Éra žen ("The Era of Women") greets with a great interest the 2nd Annual Censored Women's Film Festival. 

Hugh Fitzgerald: Why It’s Mostly Quiet on the Eastern Front, Or, How a Czech Parliamentarian Sees Islam (Jihadwatch.org)

Klára Samková at the conference in Parliament

A nice view on Klára Samková's speech at the conference "Should We Fear Islam?", that took place on 18. 5. 2016 in the Czech Parliament, just appeared at the site Jihadwatch.org.

Klára Samková debates Michael Kocáb on TV

Czech lawyer Klára Samková confronted Michael Kocáb (former Czech Minister for Human Rights) with her view on "immigrants" on public Czech TV. The debate was aired on 25. 8. 2015.

Klára Samková at IVCRN conference (April 2015)

Czech lawyer Klára Samková attended in April, 2015 the first ideological conference of the IVCRN (Islám v ČR nechceme - literally "We do not want Islam in the Czech Republic") initiative, where she spoke about the European history in the context of human rights and compared it with the Islamic view on human rights.

Czech lawyer debates a sunshiner on TV

The video footage from the last year's TV debate of the Czech lawyer Klára Samková and Michael Kocáb on the issue of "immigration", with English subtitles added. 

Translation of video from TV debate with Klára Samková and Michael Kocáb on site Gates of Vienna

The video footage with the last year's TV debate of Klára Samková and Michael Kocáb, where they discussed the issue of "immigration", was published on the well-known anti-islamic site Gates of Vienna with English subtitles added. People from abroad thus may get a clearer view on how this issue was discussed and how Czech public television affects the debates on this issue.

Czech President speaks plainly about Islamic culture and its effects on Civilization

Czech President Miloš Zeman speaks plainly about the immigrants practicing Islam and their influence to European culture, economics and civilization.
